澳洲政府開放海外青年來澳從事打工渡假已經有很長的一段時間,由於為一年的臨時簽證(若符合條件可申請第二年),所以多數持有Working Holiday Visa的納稅人,並無法在熟悉稅務規定的情況下,完成每年個人所得稅的申報業務。
另外,稅務局有所謂稅務居民(Resident for Tax Purpose)與非稅務居民(Non-Resident for Tax Purpose)在稅率上的差別,其中非稅務居民的所得稅率為32.5%起跳(自2013會計年度起),至於是否能夠以稅務居民來申請退稅,由於每個人的具體情況不同,稅務局網站上有一個稅務居民的測試,請先自行測試: 請按此
- you have always lived in Australia or you have come to Australia and live here permanently
- you have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of that time you worked in the one job and lived at the same place
- you have been in Australia for more than six months during 2010-11, unless your usual home is overseas and you do not intend to live in Australia
- you go overseas temporarily and you do not set up a permanent home in another country, or
- you are an overseas student who has come to Australia to study and are enrolled in a course that is more than six months long.
- 判斷resident for tax purpose的標準不是固定的,而是綜合各種情況分析,其本質是判斷你是否有在澳洲長期居住生活工作的意願;
- 同一年度待滿183天規則是判斷的一個標準,但並不意味著連續待滿183天就符合resident for tax purpose。如果一個人僅僅是來度假,沒有長期留澳的意願,主要資產在海外,主要生活圈子和工作在海外,即使他連續在澳洲待183天以上仍不能被看作resident for tax purpose從而享受各項稅務優惠;
- 稅務官有權根據你的實際情況判斷你是否符合resident for tax purpose,如上所說,即使連續待滿半年,稅務官仍可判斷你不符合resident for tax purpose
以下是稅務局對於Working Holiday Makers的意見如下: