Your tax return is how you tell us your annual income so we can work out how much tax is payable. We use the information you provide to work out the amount of your tax refund or tax debt. If you have paid too much tax and are entitled to a refund, lodging a tax return is the way you get this money back.
Working holidaymakers who visit Australia must lodge a tax return if they’ve been paid a salary or wages in Australia.
To complete your tax return you will need the financial documents you have received or records you have kept during the year, and a tax file number.
Regarding financial documents or records, you will need:
- a payment summary from each employer or payer you received income from during the financial year, including Centrelink
- statements from financial institutions such as banks and building societies to work out how much interest you have received
- dividend statements from companies that have paid you dividends
- a statement of earnings if you have units in a unit trust or a managed investment fund
- the buy and sell advices from your investment advisor or stockbroker if you bought or sold any shares
- receipts if you are claiming any deductions.
If you would like us to manage your tax affairs, please prepare following documents required and send to us:
- Visit our online application page Express Tax Return – complete and send through our online form.
- A copy of your final payslip or a PAYG payment summary from each employer – please send us electronic files such as in PDF or JPG format.
- Receipts – if you are claiming any deductions
If your taxable income exceeds $24,276 in FY2023 and you are not entitled to Medicare benefits, you are able to apply for Medicare Entitlement Statement to avoid Medicare Levy. Please refer Medicare Levy Exemption Certificate page.
Send to us through our Express Tax Return.
ATO will process your tax return and issue your notice of assessment that shows the details of your tax refund or your tax bill. This usually happens within two weeks if you lodge electronically or six weeks if you lodge by mail. If you request for an early assessment, your tax return will take approximately 6 weeks to process.